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December 12, 2010


Diane S.

I have NO idea what it could be!! But I am leaving my comment and just a wild guess(I am not good at guessing stuff)-little flowers? Thanks


You love to make cards! A little package full of little things to make cards???? Thats my guess.


I have no clue either- but I was thinking little tags! Thanks for the chance!


I am thinking mini books/albums :)

Melinda Wilson

I have no idea either but you love to make cards with stamps and copic markers.

Michel E

I am thinking of tags. Thanks for the chance to win.

Karen K.

Not sure about what is little that you like to make. But I'm sure I'll like it too! Thanks for the fun count down.

Linh C

Oh, I really like the banners stamp and the second bird stamp.

My guess is cards.

Paige Meyer


Heather DG

Hmmm, maybe tags? :)

Sandy L

Wow - I sure love those stamps! How about embellishments to make a card?


No clue? Maybe different mini cards???

Anna C

I have no clue, but your cards are very cute.


I am thinking mini book, those are great stamps, so hard to decide stamps or paper .. oh Santa just bring both!
Hope you get a lil white stuff makes it seem like Christmas!


I say it is embellishments(little things) to make a card(something little).

Sandy Ang

Could they be label stickers ?


Embellishments for cards?

Tracy S

Hmmm...I'd have to say you are making cards using stamps. Maybe?

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