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September 19, 2010



That mini is ADORABLE Christine and I loveeeeeeeeeeeeee the card too!!!!! You don't have to enter me in the drawing...as you know I have Nikki's goodies! LOL!! But wanted to stop in and tell you that I loveeeeeeeeeeeeee that story about the "zero"...tooooooooooo CUTE!!!!!! And one of my fave stories is when my son decided to dress up at Dale Earnhardt Sr. for Halloween and all night long his big tough mustache kept falling off!! LOL :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)


That mini is ADORABLE Christine and I loveeeeeeeeeeeeee the card too!!!!! You don't have to enter me in the drawing...as you know I have Nikki's goodies! LOL!! But wanted to stop in and tell you that I loveeeeeeeeeeeeee that story about the "zero"...tooooooooooo CUTE!!!!!! And one of my fave stories is when my son decided to dress up at Dale Earnhardt Sr. for Halloween and all night long his big tough mustache kept falling off!! LOL :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)


That mini is so cute~ I love lil books so fast and I feel like I accomplish something!

Kelly Massman

Your mini is cute! I enjoyed looking at it on Nikki's blog! My favorite Halloween story is about the first time my son went trick or treating! He went to the first house and was happy to get a treat. At the next house, he dumped his treat into their bowl. I guess he felt like it was all about sharing!!! Thanks for a chance to win a goodie! :-)

lynda p

Loved your mini, making history and honoring your mom too! Nice. my mom has made a few costumes for my kids. we took my 2 yr old niece trick or treating for her first time last year. She does not eat any sugar, sweets and definately not candy! so when she was getting candy, she had no idea what it was. she just kept counting how much she would get dumped into her pumpkin bucket.

Michel E

Love your mini book. I remember my brother and I going from house to house in our neighborhood getting candy. That was the life then.

Melinda Wilson

I love your book! So Cute!!!
My favorite story is from just a couple of years ago. My friend Kay and I decided to make a small tomb shaped minibook of pictures from that night. My son and his girlfriend came by all dressed up and we put on little kiddie mask ourselves. We had the best time making pictures and then scrapbooking them into a mini book. It turned out very cute.

Rhonda V.

That Halloween mini is so cute!! My favorite Halloween story is from last year, my 2 year old was dressed up as a monkey and we stopped by our friends to see their kids. Their oldest 8 year old was dressed as Luke Skywalker... so they are playing "swords" and I got the cutest pictures of my little Monkey battling the force!

You can see it here (http://snapwhiz.blogspot.com/2010/06/scrapfit-workout-22-fans-fans.html)

Tiffany Johnson

These are adorable!

Tiffany Johnson

Favorite Halloween story... When I was 5, my mom went all out for my Halloween costume contest at school. She couldn't attend, so she made up for her absence in extra green witch paint! LOL! She made me look like the scariest witch ever, warts, green face, and all. Like something straight out of Wizard of Oz. I ended up winning :)

Summer braxton

This is a perfect idea for me because i don't take too many pix at Halloween anyway. So one or two from each year comiled into an adorable mini album will work!
Growing up, we had a block party every Halloween. We kids would trick or treat just before sunset and the party would begin once it was dark. It was much more fun to play games and play aol night in out costumes than just walk door to door for candy. We got to do both!

Linh C

My fave Halloween memory is of my girls and their preschool classmates Trick or Treating through my husband's work. Little kids in adorable costumes caused everyone to stop what they were doing and smiled and clapped.

Margareta at Paper Pile Kitten

Super cute! I love the bright colors! And the ghosts are too adorable! :)

Lori Robinett

Love the Booville mini! Now that my daughter is 15 & I'm feeling sentimental about her growing up, this'll be the perfect album for me to reminisce over!

My favorite story is the year I took my daughter trick-or-treating in the neighborhood I grew up in. My neighbors always have a talking something (the dad was in their van w/ a great view of the kids, he had a microphone and there was a speaker in the pumpkin) . . . and the year my daughter was 7 or 8, they had Jack the Lantern. My daughter was totally amazed, eyes big as half dollars as she squatted down next to the pumpkin and told him all about her party at school, with Jack oooh'ing and ahhh'ing at just the right moments!


LOVE these both!!! The Boo Ville album is ADORABLE & your card is so bright and cheery!!

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