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April 30, 2009



I'm so sorry you lost your job. What a wonderful attitude you have though!
Gorgeous project!


Christine, I'm sorry to hear you lost your job, but you have a very positive outlook, and many times, this closes one chapter in your life and opens another and often times better. Keep your chin up; you are blessed in many ways, and I know you'll find something soon. Okay, your scrapbook is adorable. I'm sure your customers can't wait for your next project! Hugs, Cami


CONGRATS on making the DT, I look forward to workign with you on the INKY DT!!!!! Sorry about your job - hopefully good things will come of that!!!! Take care!

Christine Riley

ooooh, I love the album. Wish I lived near you, I'd love to learn how to make it! Congrats also on the DT. I'm so sorry about your job, but I'm sure good things will be coming.
Hugs, Christine


Gorgeous! Congrats on all your good luck and continue to be positive through the tough stuff.


Your album looks fabulous Christine and such a gorgeous photo, Sorry to hear about your job, stay positive. That is great news about your new DT post - Congratulations! Hugs, Nikki x

Marie Miller

Christine, I am so sorry to hear that you lost your job and you know something better will come along.

Love your beautiful creations

Nicole (Inky Impressions)

Hi Christine, I am so sorry to hear about the loss of your job! Stay positive & look forward to a brighter tomorrow. As Cami said, one chapter closes and the next one opens. They say everything happens for a reason. :) You seem like a very talented woman! If you need anything please just let me know. On a different note, Thank You so much for your support with Inky Impressions. It is such an honor to have you on our team! Your work blows me away and I am so excited to start this venture with all of you!!! BIG HUGS! Nicole :)

julie okada

Your mini album is absolutely adorable! What a fantastic picture. I love that Bo Bunny line!


What a fabulous album Christine. Sorry to hear about your job, I hope everything works out for you.
Carole :D


Hi Christine
The Magnolia image I used was bought directly from Magnolia in Sweden. I always order from there...very quick and fast postage...so easy. Let me know if you need the link.
Carole x


WOW gorgeous creation and I love the colours you've used. Congrats on the DT post for Inky and I'm looking forward to working with you. I'm also very sorry to hear that you've lost your job, hope it all works out ok for you. Hugs Michele x


Hi Christine!! I'm really sorry that you no longer have a job. It must be difficult. I hope you find a job soon or in the near future! Sometimes bad things are a blessing in disguise. I always feel that way when bad things happen. . .it's God's way of saying that maybe you need a change. I guess you need to look at in a positive way. Not to worry, things will work out.

Congratulations on making the Inky Impressions team. It'll be fun designing with you.

Wow, I love your purse project. .. it's beautiful. I love the style and the pretty papers that you used. Your customers will be thrilled to learn how to make such a cute purse project!!


Sheila D

Wow, Congrats on making the DT. You had a lot of positive things happen today so hopefully that eased the worry of losing your job. This bad economy has hit everyone in one way or another. Things WILL pick up and you WILL get through this. Your positive attitude is great and will help you along.


1) You are a wonderful photographer
2) This mini album ROCKS!!!
3) You are so very creative
4) Sorry you lost your job :(
5) Good goin' "Christine's son"
6) Congrats on the award!!!
7) I ♥ Barnes & Noble too
8) This mini album SOOO ROCKS!!!
9) YAY for Mr. Brown (SU! stuffs)
10) Congrats on your Etsy sale!!!

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